2016 New Year Resolutions: The Sowing Season

2016 New Year Resolutions

Hello loves,

It’s been an interesting year, filled with many highs and lows. In the last quarter of the year, there were a few times that I thought that I was at my breaking point with the amount of stress that I was dealing with. I barely made it through. During this time I learned a valuable lesson about my own mental health: it is possible to give so much of yourself to the people around you that you have nothing left to help heal in your own time of need.

While I struggled with the obstacles the Universe put in my path, my blog suffered. I barely thought about my brand during the last 3 months. But things are finally calming down, and the new year upon us. I thought that this would be the perfect time to reflect and make a few 2016 New Year resolutions of my own.

I’ve read that you should take on no more than 3 primary goals at a time; and every day, you should work towards getting a step closer to reaching those goals. Only focusing on 3 allows you to hone in and do the work to make these things possible.

For 2016 I will be focusing on reaching success in the following areas: my health, my finances, and my brand. I have many other goals, but these 3 seem to be the primary goals that all of the others tie into.

Health: If you’ve been reading the blog then you know that I’ve been struggling with my weight for awhile. This is something I’d really like to make a conscious effort to work on. But honestly, when I speak on my health, I’m not just referring to my weight, but also my mental health. This last quarter took a toll on me, and really shed some light on my lack of balance with work, time for myself, and spending quality time with my friends and family (the former being the only thing I made a priority).

Finances: I’ve been focusing on my finances since the beginning of last year. I wanted to have excellent credit, as well as a sizable savings, so that I could purchase my first property in 2016. My credit was abysmal, but I made an outrageous goal to pay off all of my debt by the end of 2015. On December 25th, the last Friday of the month, I paid off my last collection. I no longer have any negative debt on any of my 3 credit reports. I have also been aggressively saving into 3 different savings accounts every week (for different financial goals). I also budget myself, slowly making more and more changes to help me reach my monetary goals.

It’s been a long journey, and in 2016, I’ll make an even larger step in the right direction. The great thing about meeting this goal is that I’ll then be able to share with you all how I raised my credit score, created a manageable budget, and met my financial goals so quickly.

Brand: I definitely have a lot of goals when it comes to the Vee Valentine brand- some I’ve shared with you all on the blog, and others you’ll see as I reach them. But in 2016 I want to consistently work on shaping this brand into the vision I’ve created. At some point you have to stop planning and talking, and actually do.

2016 will be the year of “sowing”. I will consciously and consistently work on bettering myself, and working towards my goals. By establishing this time as my “sowing season” I’ll focus less on trying to reap rewards and more on relishing in the act of working towards making my goals a reality.

What are some of the goals that you’d like to accomplish in 2016?

vee valentine sig

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